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Historical Ada

Ada's boys of summer early 1970s

Here's the Ada High School baseball team from the 1971 season. Members of the team are listed in the photograph.

47 school years ago

If you reverse "47" you end up with "74," which is year of this week's historic Ada photo. 

It's the 1974 Ada High School class as seniors, with the photo taken from the school yearbook.

Know anyone in this pictures?

Ada HS Future Homemakers of America - '75-76

Here are officers of the Ada High School Future Homemakers of America (FHA) in the 1975-76 school year.

Front from left, Robin Shepherd, vice-president; GiGi Hoffman, president; Linda Elwood, secretary.

Standing from left, Bev Krofft, historian; Janice Henry, parliamentarian; Jolene Ream, song leader; Mona Binkley, treasurer.


Ada HS French Club officers

Officers of the Ada High School French Club during the 1972-73 school year.

Front from left, Louis Vottero, Clinton Judy, Kris Decker and Allen Clum.

Standing from left, Doug Van Atta, Cheri Hepner, Bill Bischoff and Cheryl Hopson

1972 Bulldog cross country team

Here's the 1972 Ada High School boys' cross country team - before girls' cross country and soccer became fall sports.

Coach Fries stands on the left. Names of the team members are under the photo


Oh, to be a 7th grader

Here's some - but not all Ada seventh graders in the 1972-73 school year. If you watch carefully you'll eventually see more members of this class, graduating in 1978.
