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Should you put sunscreen on babies?

It's a question that comes up for many parents in the summer time

This column provided by ONU HealthWise Pharmacy.
Can you put sunscreen on babies? It's a question that comes up for many parents in the summer time. Read on for the answer.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that sunscreen is not recommended for infants younger than 6 months old.

The best way to protect your infant is to keep them out of the sun altogether.

Feeling the heat? Here's some tips

A guide to key symptoms of heat-related illnesses and first-aid measures

Note: this article is provided by Ohio Northern University Healthwise Pharmacy.

Summer brings plenty of fun activities to enjoy outside, but without the proper precautions and first-aid knowledge, the heat can mean serious trouble.

When exposed to excessive heat, people are likely to experience hyperthermia, which means the body is overheated. This can cause heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat syncope and heat rash. Although immediate medical attention is not needed in many cases, some conditions can quickly become serious and even lead to death without proper first aid.

Take the opportunity to allow July to spark some new healthy eating habits

First step is to practice mindful eating

By Christine Schroeder, MOT, OTR/L

"Every firework begins with one spark.” - Unknown

Did you have a great 4th of July?

Do you have your plans made for a relaxing rest of July?
   • Patio furniture ready?
   • Sunscreen out?
   • Grill fired up?

The 4th of July usually means pool parties, boat rides, BBQs, and relaxation.

So, how do you eat healthy amidst all the hot dogs, chips and ice cream?

First step is to practice mindful eating. “Mindful eating is a technique that helps you gain control over your eating habits. It has been shown to cause weight loss, reduce binge eating and help you feel better”

Summer brings sunshine and the need for sunscreen

Tips on choosing a product for protection against skin cancer

By Christine Schroeder, MOT, OTR/L

“Hello Summer…Hello Sunshine!”

Well, there were moments when we thought it may never arrive, but summer is here and in full swing! (YES!!! Finally ;) Hopefully, you have had a chance to get out and enjoy a little of the sunshine and beautiful temps so far…..

Summer is full of so many fun opportunities….vacations, swimming, camping, boating, picnics, bike rides, gardening, long walks/runs. The list could go on and on. However, one common element surfaces across all these fun activities….the sun.

Some simple tips to keep in mind when eating out

For starters, eat a healthy snack before heading out

By Christine Schroeder, MOT, OTR/L
We all have that favorite restaurant……that one place we just can’t resist. Our go- to place for special occasions. If you have committed to a healthier lifestyle, does that mean you have to kiss that restaurant good-bye? Not necessarily …….

However, adopting a healthy lifestyle does mean holding yourself accountable.

Did you exercise today? Did you resist that cookie after lunch? Have you eaten out only on days that end in ‘Y”? LOL! Make sure you treat special occasions as what they are…special occasions!  Don’t diminish those wonderful and rare experiences into normal everyday occurrences. 

Sleep….as important to your health as diet and exercise?

You actually promise yourself that tonight will be different

By Christine Schroeder, MOT, OTR/L
It’s been a long day. You are more than ready to go to bed……and it’s only 3:00 pm!

You actually promise yourself that tonight will be different. You are going to get to bed early and get some sleep! Soooo, you get home from work and start tackling that ‘to-do’ list with a vengeance.  

Make dinner, run kids to/from practice, throw in a load of laundry, help your kids with homework, fold some laundry, do the dishes, exercise (hint, hint…even if it’s just a little;), shower and put the kids to bed.
