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Hardin OSU Extension offers beef quality assurance training

HARDIN COUNTY__A Beef Quality Assurance certification training is scheduled for Monday, February 19 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Hardin County OSU Extension office located at 1021 W Lima Street in Kenton.

Beef Quality Assurance training is for beef cattle producers, needing to certify or recertify to sell cattle at auctions and other markets. Many of the major beef processors, auctions, and other markets began requiring producers to have a BQA certificate at the beginning of 2019. Beef Quality Assurance certification is for a period of three years and was previously held in Kenton in December 2018, February 2021, May 2022, and February 2023.

Several local producers need to recertify in addition to any cattle producers who need to gain BQA certification for the first time.

Certification can also take place online at

Register for the Kenton training at or call 419-674-2297.

Registration is required and space is limited for this local no cost in-person training that is good for both initial BQA certification or recertification.
