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Power's back on for some of us; life's not quite back to normal as storm cleanup continues

Ada and many midwesterns took a history course this weekend. We lived like pioneers. Many are still roughing it. The history lesson reminded was how our great-great grandparents lived without electricity, air conditioning, telephone service, internet service, freezers and many other wonders of the 21st century.

In Ada shortly around 4 p.m., Friday, June 28, the wrath of Mother Nature struck with high winds - some speculating 85 miles per hour - and torrents of rain.

The results: most of the village and surrounding community knocked out of power, trees blown helter-skelter, wires strewn across streets and lawns and no pizza for Friday night supper because Main Street lacked power.

When the storm passed, residents exited their hiding places to access damages. Hardly a resident in town was without some tree or shrub damaged. Outdoor furniture was blown all across yards.

How many times did your electricity blimp off and on during the storm? We lost count. When power eventually returns to some, others were and still are left in the dark.
Reports from Ada residents driving to Ada from Findlay on Friday included stories about the interstate being stopped from south of Findlay to State Route 235.

Watch the Icon for further reports. We invited viewers to e-mail their storm stories and photos. Please excuse us as we delay posting some material. Our internet access is not available in our Icon office. We are posting material from internet hot spots where ever we find them.
