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Hardin 4-H and Ada Tech Wizards put on a demonstration Thursday at ReStore

Hardin county 4-H will demonstrate its new 3-D printer with its 4-H afterschool program from 4 to 5 p.m.,Thursday, Dec. 18,  at ReStore Community Center, Ada.

This afterschool is called Ada Tech Wizards, involving fourth, fifth and sixth grade students, and is funded through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) office. 

The $20,000 grant helps local Hardin County youth learn about current technology through STEM-based afterschool programming. 

Mark Light of Hardin County 4-H said, "I believe we might be the only one in the county with a 3-D printer as I do not know of any schools that have one, so this is new technology being brought to Hardin County.  
