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Miniature Icon Benne Biscuits eliminate Sunday blahs

The holidays ended and a blah Sunday set in.

The only thing we can think to do in a situation like this is to bake. But what? With the Duke Ellington Orchestra playing in the background, in my attempt to inspire creativity, we blindly took one of the bread books off the shelf.

Here’s what opened: We’ll call it “Miniature Icon Benne Biscuits.”

Here’s how you get to Point Biscuit from Point A:

Turn oven to 450.

½ cup sesame seeds
2 cups white flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
¼ cup olive oil
¼ cup vegetable oil
¾ cup milk

Place the sesame seeds in small skillet with small amount of olive oil. Heat for 5 minutes – stir to keep from burning the seeds.

Meanwhile, mix the dry ingredients. When the sesame seeds are ready, dump them into the mix.

Add the milk to the mixture and stir. Add more flour if necessary. Knead the mixture a half dozen times.

Then, roll out the dough to about one-half inch thickness and cut out the biscuits with a three-inch cutter.

Warning: Press cutter straight down and don’t twist – it’s tempting. We did the twist and our biscuits didn’t rise as we had hoped. That’s why we call these “Miniature Icon Benne Biscuits.”

They baked to the size of a 50 cent piece – except the final biscuit. That’s because we rolled the remaining dough into a ball and baked it. Wouldn’t you know, it was perfect.

Well, however you do it, next place biscuits on greased baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes.

Get the butter and jam ready.


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