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Ada Friends ends the year with a roar - at the zoo

The Ada Friends Mentorship Program at Ohio Northern University recently ended its year of activities with Ada Elementary School in an extraordinary way.  

In late April, more than half of the program participants took part in a trip to the Columbus Zoo where they viewed and learned about many exotic animals. 


According to ONU mentors: "It was an exciting experience that all involved truly enjoyed.  Not only did the participants of the program get to witness beautiful creatures they had never seen before, but they also were able to learn about the habitats and natural environments of these species found across the globe." 

Ada Friends is an organization that matches ONU college students with Ada Elementary school pupils to foster a unique relationship. 

The elementary school students benefit from this program because of the stable, positive influence of the college students as role models, mentors, confidantes, tutors, and friends. 

Similarly, the ONU students are given the opportunity to develop a positive friendship that benefits the children, their families, and their schools. 

One of the perks of the organization is the ability to attend thrilling events like a trip to the Columbus Zoo at low to no cost. 

This year, Ada Friends also held a movie night, game night, fall festival, Christmas party, and trip to Suter's Corn Maze among other fun opportunities for the matches to bond.

Learn more about how you can get involved with Ada Friends by visiting this site:
