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Show Anne Stratton an antique and she'll tell you what it's worth

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
Anne Stratton, an antique appraiser for the past 56 years, tells Kyle Casper that the value of a hat that he brought for appraisal is probably worth $75 to $100.

The cap, from the 1940 World's Fair in New York City, belonged to his dad.

Mrs. Stratton gave free appraisals on items that local residents brought to the Ada Public Library on Wednesday evening.

She also talked about what's hot and what's not currently in the antique world.

What's increasing in value:
• Anything with feathers, documented Indian items, vintage fabrics, quilts, unopened decks of old playing cards.
• Furniture is coming back from the downturn.

What has little value nowadays:
• Newspapers about major events, old magazines, phonograph records.

In case you missed her free appraisal and have items you are curious about the value of, Mrs. Stratton will be nearby three more times this month.

You can catch her at:
• Maplecrest, Bluffton, at 6:30 p.m., Monday, July 13
• Bluffton Dari Freeze, South Main St., 6 p.m., Wednesday July 15
• Pandora Library, 6:30 p.m., Monday, July 27

In the photo below is an oil painting valued at $3,000 owned by Evonda Shirk.
