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Here's the update on Reagan Cox and her America's Got Talent audition

Did she shine? Will she move on to the next level?

Who is "she" we are talking about?

We are referring to Raegan Cox, the 11-year-old daughter of Heather and Craig Cox. Heather is an assistant vice president of Liberty National Bank in Ada, and Craig manages a Lima Save-A-Lot. The family lives in Miller City where Raegan is a sixth grader.

We asked Heather to write a few words about their experience at Cobo Hall in Detroit when Raegan was invited to audition for a popular NBC TV show.

Heather wrote:
"Raegan left for America’s Got Talent Detroit auditions at 8 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 7.

Her friends made signs for her that they placed along Highway 109, wishing her the best. (See attached pictures).

Raegan had her parents and best friend, Peyton, with her.

She wore a grey shirt with a green star on it (and was going to tell the judges that it stood for her wanting to be a “star” someday), skinny jeans and grey boots.

Raegan’s scheduled time for arrival was 11 a.m. and she was #734. Over 1,000 contestants auditioned that day.

After arriving Raegan waited over six hours before she finally performed. She waited in an area with lights and cameras where they were constantly filming the contestants and their talents, getting footage for the show. (See attached picture.)

Raegan sang and performed the “Cup Song” by Anna Kendrick.

She was informed that they wouldn’t let the contestants know anything until spring because  Detroit was the first city for auditions. They needed to go to about three more cities.

It was a great experience and we are so proud of her!"
