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"Scenes of Ada, Ohio" photo book by Karen Ward now available at Art Gallery on Main

By Monty Siekerman
Local photographer Karen Ward has produced a book of 50 photographs of the village titled "Scenes of Ada, Ohio."

It is for sale at the Art Gallery on Main. Karen has taken pictures of town ever since she arrived here 25 years ago.

The 10" by 10" book includes familiar places (ONU, Wilson's, the parks, churches, grain elevator) and the unfamiliar, only what a creative artist might see (weathered siding, weeds blooming along a roadside, snow scenes).

Karen says she has always enjoyed taking photos of Ada because it is quaint, beautiful, and historic place. The book, mostly a collection of photographs, does have some text, including this comment, "Ada may be small, but it is a place of big hearts."

The "Scenes" would make a nice tabletop book, a hostess gift, a Christmas stocking stuffer, or gift for someone who has moved away.
