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Some Ada rain gauges filled to 4+inches in 4-5 hours

Photo and story by Monty Siekerman

The rain came tumbling down Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Overall, Ada fared well.


Officially at the water treatment plant, Ada received 3.25 inches of rain between 6:30 a.m. Wednesday through 6:30 a.m. Thursday. The rain is recorded once a day.

Others in Ada reported rain gauges filled with 4.5 to 4.75 inches in about 4 to 5 hours.

That compares with only about a half inch of rain for the entire first three weeks of the month.

Since the Ada ground was parched and Grass Run Creek low, the town experienced very little damage or inconvenience. The rain soaked in or ran off in quick fashion.

The police department reported no emergencies or problems from the storm.
Village officials were checking roads about 2 a.m. A few high water signs were put up, but taken down within a couple of hours.

It was about the same week last year when Ada experienced much more flooding of roads and on campus, especially West Campus.

This year ONU retention ponds were nearly empty. They are containing last night's deluge.

Plans are underway with the university and village to solve the occasional flooding problem on campus by installing a big storm sewer line through the heart of campus, known as The Tundra.
