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What's for lunch on Aug. 16? Very important question

It starts Tuesday, Aug. 16. Here's the Ada school menu for the first day of the 2016-17 school year.

Pop corn chicken with barbecue sauce
Dinner roll
Green beans

The Ada school lunch menu is now on the Icon. CLICK HERE FOR AUGUST MENU.

• CLICK HERE for all Ada school menu information.

CLICK HERE for nutrition guidelines.

Here are this year's cafeteria prices:
Breakfast - K-12 $1.25 (reduced 30 cents)
Breakfast is served until 8:30 a.m.

Lunch -
K-5 $2
6-12 $2.25 (reduced 40 cents)

Fruit may be fresh, frozen or canned. Milk is 1 percent or fat free, flavored.
Salad bar is available for grades 4-12 Mondays to Thursdays.
A variety of subs, wraps and smart snacks will be available - grade appropriate

