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Election night party at The Inn goes into the morning hours

College GOP and College Dems event

By Monty Siekerman
The College Republicans and the College Democrats gathered for an election watch party Tuesday night at The Inn.

Here, Maddie Kimmel shows her support for her guy while Lydia Heinlen cheers for her gal. The photo was taken early in the evening, thus everyone was smiling at that point.

Early on, the TV networks made the obvious calls so the electoral count bounced from one candidate winning to the other being in the lead.

As the night progressed, the GOPers in the crowd got more excited, especially when Donald Trump took Ohio.

Would this trend continue? Would nearly all pollsters and pundits be wrong?

Around midnight, the Republicans had much more to hope for with more "too close to call" states turning Red States. Would the trend hold? Were there "shy" Trump supporters among the poll respondents?

Elections, sports contests, horse races all have one thing in common: there can be upsets. By early morning, the networks agreed: Donald Trump had won enough electoral votes to become the 35th President of the United States of America.

More than 100 students had a great time at the watch party where chicken tenders, pizza, cheese balls, chips, soft drinks and more were served. Decorations were red, white, and blue, of course. Several ONU International students attended, observing democracy in action.

To be fair, the large TV screen at one end of the room was turned to Fox News while the other had MSNBC talking heads and charts and a plethora of numbers.

There once was a time that media reported the news in an unbiased matter...not any more. But earlier in our history the newspapers (no radio, TV, or Twitter then)  were biased and the owners made no apology for it.

Newspapers were even named the Brown County Democrat, The Republican Courier, etc.

Well, this election is over, now starts the jockeying for the candidates four years hence, but many hope the ads hold off for a couple of years. Who knows? Stay tuned.


• More than 100 ONU students attend (and eat and talk) during an election watch party at The Inn.
• ONU President Dan and First Lady Chris DiBiasio chat with students at an election watch party Tuesday at The Inn.
