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ONU students, faculty, staff will pack 20,000 meals on Saturday

It's for Pack Away Hunger - meals go to Haiti, Lima, Ada

Ohio Northern University hosts a Pack Away Hunger event on Saturday with students, faculty and friends planning to pack 20,000 meals during a two-hour period.

The meals will go to alleviate hunger with 75 percent going to Haiti and the remainder remaining close to home at the West Ohio Food Bank in Lima and ReStore Community Center, Ada.

Pack Away Hunger event takes place in the Bear Cave in McIntosh Center.

Pack Away Hunger is a non-profit organization dedicated to greatly improving the lives of children and others who suffer from hunger and malnutrition.

The lack of proper nutrition creates serious health and developmental consequences for individuals and has far reaching implications for communities.

In the United States 15.8 million children do not have regular access to healthy meals.

In developing countries one out of six children -- roughly 100 million -- is underweight, the result of acute or chronic malnutrition.
