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2,840 linear feet of pipe going down

Storm sewer work and future ONU engineering building project

Photos by Monty Siekerman
In preparation for this summer's storm water sewer project and the future new engineering building, work recently began to relocate the central plant's four-pipe water line system. 

The central plant serves Biggs, science annex, Meyer, Mathile, College of Pharmacy, English Chapel and Heterick Library. 

The area impacted is between the College Pharmacy building, the chapel and Heterick Library. 

Each section of pipe is 42 feet long, with approximately 2,840 feet of pipe being installed. The project includes placing the pipe, making welds and then back filling. Stone is being placed where concrete is removed, and the concrete will be replaced when the excavation work is complete.

Weather permitting the project is estimated to take approximately four weeks.  The heating and air conditioning (HVAC) will remain online throughout the project.
