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It's off to D.C. for Ada 8th graders

49 students and 15 chaperones will visit the capital

Two busses will pull out of Ada Schools at 10 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10, carrying 49 eighth grade students and 15 chaperones to Washington, DC for the annual pilgrimage to the nation's capital.

Headed by teacher Mike Styer for the 18th time, the group will see the federal government firsthand as well as memorials and monuments which honor the nation's heroes.

Styer said, "I believe that this is an important trip since many students may not ever go to DC in their life times, and we also cover much of the historical and political elements of Washington DC during their 8th grade year, so they get to see it all firsthand. If it is in DC, we will see it, tour it, and enjoy it."

Four students will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns during the trip.

The group will return to Ada at 5 a.m. on Sunday, May 14.
