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Want to be a photographer?

Ada session on June 21 provides assistance if you want to enter a photo at the fair

Ada hosts a Wednesday, June 21, Little Sparks Goo Crew program, according to Jami Dellifield of the Hardin extension office.

This specific program assist persons in completing entries for the open class show at the Hardin County Fair.

The Ada session is from 10 to 11 a.m. and is titled “Let’s be a photographer.” Persons interested in attending should meet at the Ohio Northern University McIntosh Center.

A photo session takes place at the ONU duck pond.

Families are encouraged to help offset costs of open class fair entries and supplies with a $10 per family donation, payable to OSU Extension, Hardin County.

Scholarships are available for families who need one, according to Dellifield.

Dellifield said that Little Sparks-Goo Crew is designed to offer adults and the young children in their lives a variety of activities to encourage social-emotional, cognitive, physical, and language development.

Goo Crew encourages inter-generational learning and a place for adults to learn more about child development.

It is for parents, grandparents, caregivers, family friends, and the children (birth to Pre-K) that they love. Adults must be present for all activities.

Contact Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Jami Dellifield at 419-674-2297 or e-mail [email protected] for more information.

