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Name your sport

It's an all Ada's-made garage sale

By Monty Siekerman
On a bright, sunny morning several hundred people were lined up at 8 a.m. on Saturday to take advantage of the Wilson Sporting Goods sale that took place in a parking lot and warehouse near the manufacturing plant in Ada.

Name your sport: badminton, baseball, golf, basketball, tennis, and, of course, Ada-made Wilson footballs.


Wilson is a worldwide manufacturer of many kinds of sports equipment and apparel, and people took advantage of the once-a-year sale for many reasons:
Grandparents who work at Ada Wilson purchased Christmas gifts for grandkids.
Coaches bought for their teams

Some of the bargains will end up on the internet, making a tidy profit for bargain-seekers.

No matter the reason, a throng of people was on hand during the four-hour sale, delving into hundreds of large bins to find just the right items to take home.
