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And the coffee was comps of the Ada PD

Nearly 50 residents have coffee with an Ada police officer

By Monty Siekerman
Ada Police Department members spoke with nearly 50 people Wednesday morning at COSI Restaurant during Coffee with a Cop.

The informal chat time gave local residents an opportunity to express any concerns they had, but as Ptl. Penny Clark-Keller said most people wanted to express their appreciation for the service that the local police provide.

Chief Michael Harnishfeger said, "It was a great day and a great way to stay in touch." Members of his department met with students, future lawyers, accountants, police officers, physical therapists, as well as retirees, teachers and others from around the Ada area.

Although the local session was planned weeks ago, it happened to coincide with National Coffee with a Cop Day.

A similar coffee was held a year ago and another will be planned for next year.

Pictured are Ptl. Penny Clark-Keller, Ada United Methodist Church Pastor Brandi Grant-Rigsby, and Det. Rob Sheldon.
