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No need to dream of a White Christmas

Arlene Allison has the Nora Dellifield-created gown

It was “Dress as your Favorite Christmas Character” day at Ada schools on Friday. 

There were lots of Grinches, Who’s, reindeer, elves and other holiday characters you’d expect.

Then came Arlene Allision, straight out of “White Christmas.” Ada HS senior Nora Dellifield, who intends to be a costume designer, created the showpiece as a 4-H project last summer. Nora is the daughter or David and Jami Dellifield.

Here’s the story of the red and white gown:

"Arlene wanted a red dress like the one in the movie White Christmas,” Nora recalled.  “She asked for the dress for months, so I finally decided to make it.”

Since Nora intends to major in costume technology in college, she felt that the “White Christmas” dress would make a good addition to her portfolio.  The creation required seven different fabrics, including a 4-way stretch sparkle material and a knit satin lining. 

On the last day of July, Nora and friends traveled to Columbus with the festive red dress where it competed with nearly 30 other entries in the Sewing for Others category.  Judges placed her entry in the top 20 per cent and she received an “Outstanding” for her work.  

In addition, she took second place in a sewing Skill-a-thon held the same day.  The Skill-a-thon tested participants’ knowledge of sewing and fabrics. 

Now, Arlene, can dream of a white Christmas and have the dress, too.
