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Board of zoning appeals will hear request for hemp processing

Conditional use permit meeting is Jan. 21

Ada's board of zoning appeals will hear a request for a conditional use permit for two purposes at 5 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21, according to Michael Harnishfeger, village zoning inspector. The meeting is in the Ada depot.

The request includes: 
• Indoor/outdoor cultivation and harvesting of industrial hemp.
• Industrial hemp processing.

Construction plans include a 35-by-96-foot greenhouse. It is to be used for indoor cultivation and outdoor cultivation of up to one-half acre and construction of a 1,600-square-foot  processing facility.

The request involves a proposed project in the Grass Run Industrial Park. 

Two 1992 Ada High School classmates, Troy Erickson and Billy Watterson, using the name Ada Boyz Holdings, LLC, intend to develop a distillery with a bar and restaurant and a greenhouse for growing hemp on a site in the Ada industrial park, bordering North Avenue.

Click here to read that story posted on the Icon on Oct. 23, 2019.

Persons with questions or concerns may contact  Harnishfeger at 419-634-0010 option 2.


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