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Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H update

By club reporter Lindsey Winings.
The Jumbo Jr. Farmers 4-H Club met at McDonald Township Hall on May 17th at 7:00pm. The meeting was called to order by President, Claire Ketcham.

Ade Bridenstine led the Pledge of Allegiance and Mark Caldwell led the 4-H pledge. 

Roll call, noted by Tate Ketcham was responded to by members with their favorite season. 

Treasurer report was given by Noah Ketcham and a safety report was done by Tanner Schinness. The report was on gun safety.

Topics of discussion included; t-shirt and mask orders (red or white t-shirt with black writing will be the official shirts for 2021). Order forms were passed out and are due at the next meeting. 

The club will also participate in an upcoming service project along with the VFW. The members will be placing flags on May 27th at 6:00pm at Fairview Cemetery.

Club Announcements included reminders for camp sign-up and animal registrations.

The meeting was adjourned.

Refreshments were served by Blues and Caldwells and recreation was led by Ryan Harpster. 

The next meeting is set for Monday  June 7th at 7:00pm at the McDonald Township Hall.  Lydia Caldwell will give an Environmental Report and Asher Bridensteine will lead the recreation activity. Refreshments for next meeting will be provided by the Shepherd family (snacks) and the Phillips family (drinks).


Picture is of Tanner Schinness, gun safety report. 
