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Letter to the Icon: Treasure on Main Street

Letter to Ada Icon readers:

If you have a minute, I want to tell you about a treasure that is on Main Street in Ada, Ohio. That treasure is available to all residents, all ages, all incomes, all nationalities and races. This treasure is The Ada Public Library.  

As soon as you step in the door, you are greeted with a smile and a warm welcome. Once inside you will find magazines, books, movies, computers and music as well as newspapers. If there is an item that they don't have, the staff can show you how to request it on a magic portal, otherwise known as inter-library loan, and it will arrive as soon as it is available. Some items come within a week or so and others take much longer depending on the popularity and requests that were listed before yours.

The children's area is welcoming and bright and there are many programs for kids of all ages. A large meeting room which has windows that allows for lots of natural light transforms into a movie room, meeting room or craft area. Whenever my family moves to a new community, the library is one of the first places we visit when determining if the new community will be a good fit for us. The Ada Public Library has certainly fit the bill and we have saved time and money as we enjoy all the items and services available.

When you vote in the local election in November, please vote to renew the Library levy so that these services will continue to be available for all to enjoy.  Remember that this is a renewal and there will be NO NEW TAXES assessed to continue this service to our community.

Thank you in advance for your vote,

Audrey Trusz
