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Agenda for Dec. 21 Village Council

An agenda for the Village of Ada Regular Council Meeting of December 21 has been posted on the village website.

The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Village Hall Council Chambers, 2nd floor, 115 W Buckeye Ave. and can be joined remotely at

The first agenda items are Pay Ordinances, Open Floor to Public, Mayor’s Comments.



A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Board of Hardin County Commissioners for Municipal Court indigent defendant representation reimbursement. 



3rd Reading of an ordinance establishing the annual appropriations of the Village of Ada, Ohio for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2022.

2nd Reading of an ordinance to vacate an east-west alley in the area where the new ONU daycare center will be built.

1st Reading of an ordinance amending Ordinance 2020-14 annual appropriations.



Safety, Mr. Oestreich

Personnel, Mr. Simmons

Streets, Ms. Coressel

Finance, Mr. Ristau

Buildings and Grounds, Mr. Keiser:

Utilities, Ms. Mason



Fiscal Officer’s Report: Patty Navin 

Police Chief’s Report: Michael Harnishfeger: 

Zoning Inspector’s Report: Michael Harnishfeger 

Village Administrator’s Report: Jamie Hall 

Legal Counsel’s Report: Jane Napier


REMINDER: Village offices will be closed Dec 24, 2021 and Jan 3, 2022.
