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NW Ohio field reports from Ohio Division of Wildlife

The following items were shared in December 2022 by Ohio Division of Wildlife officers in Northwest Ohio:

During waterfowl season, State Wildlife Officer Levi Farley, assigned to Paulding County, was patrolling after a heavy snowfall. Officer Farley contacted a group of four waterfowl hunters in layout blinds and checked for licenses, Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamps, HIP certification, and federal Migratory Bird Hunting Stamps. Later, Officer Farley noticed a mail carrier’s vehicle stuck in deep snow and activated his overhead lights to inform oncoming drivers of the hazard. With help from the waterfowl hunters he had just checked, Officer Farley pushed the vehicle back onto the roadway. The mail carrier was grateful for the officer’s and hunters’ help. 

In mid-November 2022, State Wildlife Officer Ethan Bingham, assigned to Williams County, attended the Williams County Pheasants Forever youth hunt. A handful of young hunters from the area participated in the event, a fantastic way to get the next generation of hunters involved in upland hunting. Officer Bingham gave a safety talk and shared the duties of a wildlife officer with the group. 
