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Summary of January 24 Ada Council meeting

Planning commission hearing rescheduled; EMS annual report

By Paula Scott

At the January 24 meeting of the Ada Council, council president Jeff Oestrich conducted the meeting in the absence of Mayor Dave Retterer, who was unwell. Councilor Linda Mason was also absent. Council members present in addition to the president were Sean Beck, Sheila Coressel, Jason Campbell and Bob Simmons.

A Planning Commission meeting had been scheduled prior to the council meeting but did not have a quorum. This meeting, which will consider rezoning property owned by Wilson Sporting Goods, has been rescheduled for 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 7. 

The council approved four claims registers, which are attached within the council packet.

The first reading of a resolution to make improvements on Grand Blvd. was approved with Councilor Beck abstaining.

Councilor Coressel, who represents council at Ada-Liberty Ambulance board meetings, sharing quarterly and annual reports of EMS squad activity.

In the fourth quarter of 2022, the squad made 214 runs, including 54 no patient transported calls. Of 160 care reports, 136 were illness related and 26 were trauma related. During this period, mutual aid was provided to other communities 9 times; mutual aid was received 2 times.

Ada-Liberty EMS 2022 Annual Report

740 - EMS runs (most ever in one year)

44 - Mutual aid provided

6  - Mutual aid received

195 - No patient at scene (means the call did not result in transportation to the hospital)

428 - Illness related

78 - Trauma related

Councilor Simmons asked if there would be meetings regarding the new EMS levy. Coressel responded that EMS board meetings are public and are held at 5:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month (530 N. Gilbert, Ada).

Councilor Simmons announced that the annual Patriotic Pops concert would be held on July 2 at 7:00 p.m. He motioned to donate $1,500 for the concert, which was seconded and approved.


Safety Services - Jeff Oestrich announced a request to destroy and dispose of inoperable and outdated police department equipment (listed in the attachment), which was approved.

A request to remove Patrolman James “Zac” Beltz from probationary status was approved.

Personnel - Bob Simmons asked for a motion to approve pool operation proposals for 2023, which was seconded and approved.

A motion to end the probationary period for Logan Matthewson, CMII, with an increase in pay was approved.

Simmons also noted that all administrator evaluations for 2022 had been completed.

Buildings & Grounds - Sheila Coressel called a meeting regarding tech support to follow the February 7 council meeting.


Ada Police Department - Chief Alec Cooper reported that there had been 100 calls since the last council meeting. Officers responded to incidents including a domestic disturbance, underage alcohol, assault, burglary, a deceased female and sexual assault report.

Chief Cooper was asked if his snow reminder to remove vehicles from streets to allow snow removal could be posted on Nixle. He responded that due to increased costs, Nixle has dialed back what you can post.

Village Administrator - Jamie Hall reported on plans for the dedication of Clint Avenue.

Hall also noted that residents have been sent a three question Ohio Environmental Protection survey in their water bills, which is also available HERE. This is part of a larger response to EPA requirements and oversight.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m.

February 7 - Regular Council - 6:30 p.m. 
February 17 - Tree Commission - 12:00 p.m.        
February 21 - Regular Council - 6:30 p.m.
March 7 - Regular Council - 6:30 p.m.
March 17 - Tree Commission  - 12:00 p.m.
March 21 - Regular Council - 6:30 p.m.
