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Summary of July 27 Ada School Board meeting

Board approves free admission for Ada students to sporting events

By Paula Scott

The July 27 meeting of the Ada School Board was only 27 minutes long “as the crow flies.” That’s minus the 42-minute closed door executive session that occurred at the beginning of the meeting. All board members–Ron Fleming,Matt Gossman, Ted Griffith, Steve Ramey and Amy Mullins–were present.

Visitor Marty Rothey, Ohio School Board Association Northwest Region Manager, presented Ron Fleming with a 30-year Veteran School Board member certificate.

The meeting included public hearings on the use of federal IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Park B funding and on the retire/rehire of Kim Guagenti as the 7th Grade English Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year. No visitors addressed the board during these items; however, both topics were touched on later in the meeting.


The board unanimously approved recommendations A-O by interim superintendent Dennis Recker. These included new athletic prices for the 2023-2024 school year, attached. New in 2023-2024, admission to athletic events will be free for Ada Schools students. 

  • Students must present a pass at the ticket gate (either on a device or hard copy of QR code)
  • An adult must accompany students in grades k-5
  • Appropriate student behavior is required: students must remain seated in the student section or with parents; students must behave in a positive and respectful manner; students must have a way home.

High School Principal Dan Lee was present to report and offer “a lot of thank you’s.” He noted that Lance Dearth and his team were busy with building prep, cleaning and maintenance. Tech director Tim Vernik is using a security grant to update the alarm system and cameras. A security  update that will be noticeable outside the schools is a new fence with screening at the elementary playground.

Lee also reported that eighteen middle and high school students have been participating in summer school, which will resume on Tuesday. The band, varsity singers and athletes have been feeling the recent hot weather and on the day of the meeting were practicing indoors. Lee also thanked the schools’ athletic directors for their “never ending work” in the summer.

Regarding the rehiring of Kim Guagenti, Lee explained that she was returning following a last minute resignation of the 7th grade English teacher.

Treasurer Kim Light’s presentation included a note on close of the 2022-2023 fiscal year, which saw higher revenue than anticipated. Light reviewed the following with board members: Balance of Funds, Monthly Check Register, Investment Schedule, Monthly Bank Reconciliation, Quarterly and Fiscal Year End 2023 Cash Financial Reports, Fund Transfers - Reimbursements, Invoices for Approval, Federal Grants, 2023-2024, Disposal of Assets.

The next meeting of the school board will be at 6:00 p.m. on  August 17.

An executive session began at 7:06 p.m. with no action to follow.
