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November 10 opening for "Habitat" at ArtSpace/Lima

Benefit evening for Habitat for Humanity November 16

ArtSpace/Lima will host a new exhibit featuring the works from 14 artists who define ‘habitat’ through their art. Each artist was asked to synthesize the meaning and interpret it through a medium that they work with. The artists featured in the exhibit are:

Laura Barnhardt Corle
Randy  Bennett
Terri Blosser
Aubrey Davis
Valarie Escabedo
Judy Greavu
Jim Fultz
Sheila Hernandez
Mike Huffman
William John
Tom Lehman
Avory Mayenschein
John  Rausch
Scott Rose


Organizers shared, "The definition can be as literal as a dwelling or as complex as an implied feeling. The exhibit will address the multiple meanings through unique and varied materials and installations."This multimedia exhibit opens at from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. on Friday, November 10, at ArtSpace/Lima, 65 Town Square, Lima. The exhibit is free and open to the public. The work will remain on display until December 30.  


A second event connected to this exhibit will be a benefit evening for Habitat for Humanity on Thursday,  November 16, at ArtSpace/Lima. The public is invited to see art and hear from the artists about what  habitat means to them. Speakers will also be there to engage the community in the work of Habitat for Humanity. There will be auction items and the artist’s work will be for sale to raise funds for Habitat  for Humanity.  
