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Registration is open for youth diamond sports

Registration for Ada youth spring baseball and softball is open through February 29, according to announcements via the Ada schools and the local Ada Diamonds Facebook group

Registration is done online with a Demosphere account HERE.

T-ball - $45.00 - Player must be 5 by 9-1-23


Coach Pitch Softball - $60.00 - Player must be 8,9, or 10 by 9-1-23

Fast Pitch Softball - $65.00 - Player must be 11,12, or 13 by 9-1-23


PeeWee Baseball - $60.00 - Player must be 8,9 or 10 by 9-1-23

Little League Baseball - $65.00 - Player must be 10,11, or 12 by 9-1-23

Pony League Baseball - $65.00 - Player must be 12,13 or 14 by 9-1-23

Have questions? Contact Ada Diamonds at [email protected] or message through the Ada Diamonds Facebook page.



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