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This giant yellow guy loves to pick up leaves

Story and photo by Monty Siekerman

The giant yellow leaf picker-upper (named Frod, no not Ford or Fred, but Frod,) is at work on Christopher Circle on Thursday. 

Here's the schedule in a nutshell:

• Northwest - District A
Mondays pickup dates: Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30

• Northeast - District B
Tuesdays pickup dates: Nov. 3, 10, 17, Dec. 1

• Southeast - District C
Wednesdays pickup dates: Nov. 4, 11,18, Dec. 2

• Southwest - District D
Thursdays pickup dates: Nov. 5, 12, 19, Dec. 3
There will be no leaf pickup on Nov. 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27.

If the socks fit - here are the answers

Thursday was Halloween in Ada, but these are not Halloween photos.

Crazy socks are the fashion rage. Mismatched, weird, colorful socks were seen entering the school.

In the story on top of the home page we've provided photos of sock models (in a mixed up order): Hannah Weatherly, Barrette Jones, Braelynn Weatherly, Ashley Mattson, Lydia Demascio and Jude Griffin.

Can you match up the shoes and socks with the students in the correct order? The answer is on the photo below:


More on "Maps and Art" - by Jimmy Wilson

Note: This story accompanies the story titled "Maps as Art," by Monty Siekerman.

By Jimmy Wilson
I was the lowest level employee in the mapping section of the Louisiana Department of Transportation. The manager in the geospatial section asked me Saturday if I would mind coming into the headquarters to monitor Hurricane Katrina as it came ashore in the Florida panhandle, which at the time us what everyone believed would happen.

I essentially lived in the LaDOTD headquarters for the next three weeks.

12 more Icon Facebook Friends and we have 1,000! - we are celebrating with some prizes

Can you believe it?

The Ada Icon has 988 Facebook friends. We use it daily to attrace viewers to our site.

With 12 Friends to go to reach 1,000 it's time for a contest.

Here's how it works and here's what four viewers will win.(We suggest you hurry to "Friend" us because we add about 15 friends a week. So, timing is important.)

• To our 1,000th Facebook Friend - we'll give you two free cups of coffee plus two Ada Icon cinnamon buns at Northern on Main. (The idea is that you celebrate with a friend.)

Teal Pumpkin Project - remember kids with food allergies

Have you heard about the Teal Pumpkin Project?

It involves offering non-food treats for kids with food allergies (or other health concerns) during trick-or-treating this year.

Please encourage others to do the same to make Halloween fun for everyone. 

More information about the national project is available at:

Ada Icon supports Mental Health levy on Nov. 3

The Icon supports the 0.5 mil renewal levy of the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Allen, Auglaize and Hardin Counties. The levy is on the Nov. 3 ballot. If approved it will continue to support this agency’s current expenses for the next 10 years.

For 40 years, voters have approved this 0.5 mil levy, which supports basic mental health and alcohol and drug treatment for adults and children.

This renewal levy is not a new tax and ensures that these vial services for children, families and adults continue in our community.
