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Is Hardin County haunted? If so, this is the week for it

By Torie Wright, Icon intern

An elderly woman is said to have died in the room that became my son’s nursery. I never really experienced anything bone-chillingly creepy until after I gave birth to James.

One night however, when James was only a few months old, noise through the baby monitor roused me from sleep, which was nothing out of the ordinary. As I was crawling out of bed, though, I realized that something wasn’t quite right. It wasn’t my son’s crying that woke me up; someone was singing a lullaby.

Let's go to the movies: Marie Antoinette - the queen of disappointment

Reviewed by Torie Wright

Note: Torie Wright, Icon intern, is enrolled in a film class at Lima-OSU. Here's a movie review she wrote for the class.

  Marie Antoinette is a movie I have wanted to see since its release in 2006, but never got around to watching. Finally, eight years later, I find myself in a rut of unfulfilled expectations.

Marie Antoinette is an important historical figure, and this movie does her memory little justice. The director, Sofia Coppola, attempts to make Antoinette and her story more relatable to modern viewers, but she does not do so effectively.

Restoring an Ada community treasure

Thank you Ada Kiwanis Club for choosing to lead an ambitious undertaking to refurbish the Pennsylvania Railroad caboose in the depot park.

The plans from the club are beginning to circulate around town and the Icon thinks its a great idea.

Just to show what the caboose once looked it, (that's not Ada's caboose in the newly painted photo) we've posted the photo above. The color is Pennsylvania Railroad maroon, for purist color-minded people.

Below this story is the same photo plus a look at the current state of Ada's caboose number 477779.

Letter: Encouragement to vote YES for Ada pool renewal levy on Nov. 4

Ada Icon viewers:

As community members and parents of a child in Ada, we are writing to encourage everyone to vote yes for the Ada Pool Renewal Levy on November 4.

There is tremendous value in our community pool as it provides our citizens with a means of both exercise and general recreation during the summer months.

Our son, now nine, has been on the summer swim team for three years. This has been a great opportunity for him to get daily exercise, acquire commitment, and learn from older, more developed swimmers.

It's October - time to tell us your all-time favorite horror flicks

By Torie Wright, Icon intern
My favorite time of year is now. Fall’s weather is perfect and we also celebrate my favorite holiday: Halloween. We’re about a month away from seeing costumed kiddos roaming the streets, but it’s just the right time for getting into spooky movies.

I challenge you this: starting now, watch one horror movie per week. On Oct. 31, report back to us at the Icon with your list of movies watched and tell us which one was your absolute favorite!

Send your list to: [email protected].

15 Minutes with Dave Lusk: “I can’t imagine doing anything else”

By Torie Wright

How long have you been teaching at Ada High School?
I began my 35th year on Aug. 18.

What do you do at ONU? 
I instruct labs for first year chemistry students.  My normal assignments are Engineering Chemistry in the fall and Introductory Chemistry (mainly pharmacy/biology majors) in the spring. 
