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Ada Junior Civic League elects officers for 2019-20

Ada Junior Civic League members met at Dear Darling Boutique in Ada, with the owner Rayel Rose, to tour the shop and do some shopping.

She said that the name of the shop had its origin in the Song of Solomon 4:7 “You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way.”

She will close the storefront soon and will continue her business online. Meanwhile she is offering good sales in the boutique.

Members continued their meeting at the home of Anna Poling.  Cohostess was Colleen Marshall. Sherry Evans led the business meeting. Jamie Wills, Ways and Means pecan chair, reported that there are seven bags of pecan pieces and one bag of halves left to sell.

Hardin County Wranglers organize for 2019


The Hardin County Wranglers 4-H club held its second meeting on April 7th, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Hardin County Extension Office.

There were thirteen members, six advisors and four parents present. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jace Murphy and the 4-H Pledge was led by  Katie Sturgeon.

Reminders were given for informational packets and club registration. Club calendars were distributed.

Why does she always run off when the sun sets?

Find out when you attend "Shrek: The Musical" this weekend

It's dress rehearsal week, which means "Shrek:The Musical" is coming to the Ada school auditorium this weekend.

Performances are at 7 p.m., Friday, April 12, and Saturday, April 13, and at 2 p.m., Sunday, April 14, in the Ada school auditorium.

Pre-sale tickets are on sale in the high school office and during the evening and day of each performance. Tickets are $5 and are all general admission.

Leads in the music include: Coco McLaughlin as Fiona, Reece Evans as Shrek, Theodore Hadley as Donkey, and Ethan Hull as Lord Farquaad.

Scott Henning is the musical director. Jonathan Lischak directs the pit orchestra and Oshra Gadkar directing choreography. 

Ada Junior Civic League hears about mission trips to Haiti

Ada Junior Civic League held their March meeting in the home of Bev Romick with Phyllis Griffith as co hostess.

Josh and Crystal Hanna shared their missionary trips to Haiti representing Mission Possible, a “hand-up” ministry which was established in Findlay in 1979. 

Crystal, who is a pharmacist has made eight trips to Haiti as part of the medical team to help with school physicals.  The goal is to offer health care and follow ups to 2000 plus students twice each year. 

Dixie Thompson - this month's Vancrest resident in the spotlight

Do you know how Dixie and her husband, Dave, met?

Do you know how Dixie and her husband, Dave Thompson, met?

They took an airplane ride over Bear Lake, Michigan, on their first date when he was 20 and she was 19. No wonder she says that it’s her favorite vacation spot.

Dixie graduated from Lima schools and attended Bluffton College following high school. She was a housewife until 1989 when she started working at Marimor. She worked there 10 years before retiring with her husband. 

She says that her favorite occupation was being a full-time mom. Dave and Dixie have four children, Danny, Denise, Debbie and Dawn.

She also says that her family has and will always be a very important part of her life.

Q: When is an elementary principal a sundae?

A: When students are challenged and exceed a fund-raising goal

Plus, lots of photos

Ada elementary principal, Ben Thaxton, says his favorite ice cream sundae is a banana split.

Too bad elementary students didn’t know that on Friday morning. They’d have somehow fit bananas into their “turn Mr. Thaxton into a sundae,” project.

This all came about when elementary math students raised funds for St. Jude’s Math-A-Thon. The students topped their goal of raising $5,000 by reaching $6,127.76. Fund were raised as students received pledges to work on math problems.

And, Mr. Thaxton promised to be turned into a sundae if the $5,000 goal was met.
