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Monty Siekerman named Ada Icon editor

Meet a guy who needs very little introduction to Ada

Ada Icon owners Fred and Mary Steiner have named Monty Siekerman editor of the online news outlet for the community.

Monty, who has been reporting and taking photographs for the Ada Icon for the past two years, joins other Ada residents in furnishing more than 40 local articles a week for viewers.

Amy Eddings reports and provides photos, Ken Collins takes feature photos, Cort Reynolds keeps readers up-to-date on local school sports, and Darlene Bowers writes features about local people and creates Ada Happenings, a caledar of Ada events.

Meet Ada's new school superintendent, Meri Skilliter

"My career is child-centered. Ada’s kids are my kids."

The Icon caught up with Meri Skilliter a couple days after she accepted the superintendent position at Ada schools. She holds her principal/superintendent certification from the University of Findlay. Her superintendent certification courses are from Ohio State University. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Bluffton University and a master's in educational leadership from the University of Dayton.

Here’s a portion of our discussion.

When you were a student, what teacher excited you about making a career in education?

Icon's dog of the week: Have a "Mary" Christmas

Here's Mary, currently the only dog available for adopting at the Hardin County dog shelter.

To give a dog a forever home, contact the Hardin County dog shelter. It is located at 49 Jones Road on the west side of Kenton.

Hours: 9 am to 4 pm on Monday, Thursday, and Friday. Phone: 419-674-2209.
Generally, about 20 to 25 dogs are available for viewing.

Dr. Darmer retires after 10 years as Ada superintendent

"We've walked through the last 10 years together."

By Amy Eddings
In Dr. Suzanne Darmer’s office, there was a large pink hatbox crammed with colorful handmade cards from Ada’s 1st through 6th graders. She pulled one out and read it out loud.

“‘You did an awesome job, we will miss you,’” she said, her voice growing thick with emotion. “Merry Christmas, sincerely, Robert. Eight years old.”

Another one read, “Great job! Have fun in your retirement!” written in perfect block letters.

“My heart is just so full of joy and tenderness!” she exclaimed. “It means they’ve opened their hearts to me, and vice-versa. It means we’ve walked through the last 10 years together.”

Buddies with Santa caps and antlers

Teachers were happy that the temperature finally moderated so that youngsters could enjoy ball and jump rope during recess at lunch on Wednesday, the last day of school until break. These kindergarteners and first graders tore about the play area, burning off some energy before heading back inside for class. (Monty Siekerman photos)

Wonder is his eyes

The wonder in a child's eyes.
Santa showed up at preschool at the Ada Schools on Wednesday, giving several books and stickers to all of the children, thanks to the generosity of the Kiwanis club. Kiwanians supplied 27 children in both of the preschool classes with reading materials and fun things to do. (Monty Siekerman)
