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Ada Skywalker

The new $1 million medical facility is progressing rapidly. Groundbreaking was held just a little over a month ago. On Thursday, cranes were moving trusses in place for the St. Rita's facility. Warmer and dryer weather has permitted work to go forward at a rapid pace. The facility is located south of Vancrest Nursing Home and east of the school. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Viewer assistance request: We're thinking about 2016 and that's where you can help

The Ada Icon needs viewers assistance. We have 2016 on our mind, and you can help.

We are compiling several 2016 lists.

• One is a list of Ada events for our on-going 2016 calendar. Event received will be listed on the Icon's monthly calendar and also in our bi-monthly Ada Highlights calendar. These events will also go on our news announcement list. Our list includes everything from chicken barbecues, recitals, open houses, and, you get the idea.

• We always look for good stories. For businesses, we'd appreciate knowing if you have a special anniversary taking place in 2016.

Ada chamber yearly membership dinner Feb. 17

Ada Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its yearly membership dinner at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 17, according to Deb Curlis. The location will be announced soon.



Ada HS sophomores will visit Apollo CC on Jan. 29

Approximately 650 sophomores in Apollo Career Center’s 11-member district will be visiting Apollo during 411Blast, Friday, Jan. 29, 2016. 

Parents of sophomore students interested in attending Apollo for the 2016-17 school year are also invited to meet their student at Apollo.

This day is designed to expose students to career possibilities, and what paths are available that may lead to their career and/or college success.

Students choose two programs of interest and then spend one-half day visiting those labs, meeting the instructors and participating in fun, interactive demos and activities.

Ada - hometown of Christmas light displays

Photos by Monty Siekerman

Take an evening cruise around town and pretty soom you'll see some creative Christmas lawn displays. Monty Siekerman offers these photos as a sample of what you'll discover on any night trip in Ada.


• Lanterns light the path to Jim and Pam Turner's home on North Main.
• Bob and Karen Ward residence on South Johnson with American flag and Christmas tree on porch.

• Presbyterian Church

• You'll find trains (more of them and faster, too) barrelling through the center of town. You'll find this colorful one at the corner of Willeke and Orders.

Let's do lunch - with entertainment and Santa Claus - at the Ada school

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman

Santa greets Ada Schools Superintendent Suzanne Darmer at a luncheon held at the school last Wednesday.

The annual holiday luncheon for senior citizens is sponsored by many local organizations to say "thank you" to those who have contributed to the school and community for many years. Afterwards, the Varsity Singers performed in the auditorium.

Other photos include:
• Jordan Bailey and Haley Wyss serve senior citizens at the luncheon at the school.

• Listening to remarks at the luncheon for seniors are Phil and LaDonna Compton and Tom and Janice Dearth
