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Share-A-Book at The Inn - neat idea for Icon viewers

Happy reading and safe travels. Here’s a neat idea from The Inn at ONU.

The Inn staff invites Icon viewers to “share a book” at the Inn.

Here’s how it works:

• Choose a favorite book in great condition and in a genre fascinating, riveting and memorable to you.

• Share it with others by donating the book to The Inn’s Share-A-Book library collection.

• Book donors will receive a bookplate with room to write the reasons the donor choose the book.

• Donors will also received 10 percent off at Pub dining at The Inn (excluding alcohol).

Check-out guidelines for guests at The Inn:

Popcorn chicken with barbecue sauce...sounds like a school menu is on the way

Popcorn chicken with barbecue sauce, nutrition bar, mash potatoes with gravy, side kicks and milk.

The above is a serious sign that the 2015-16 school year is getting closer. The list is the menu for opening day of Ada schools for Monday, Aug. 24.

The entire August school menu is now available. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE AUGUST MENU.

Here's this year's prices: 
for K-12 $1.25 
Reduced 30 cents

Ada chamber's calendar looking busy

Lots of August and September events are are on the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce calendar, according to Deb Curlis, chamber president. Here's the schedule:


Check the calendar - the school year is getting closer and closer

Could it be time to start thinking about school? Decide for yourself. Here is the list of events on the Ada school website for August and the official 2015-16 school calendar:

Tuesday, Aug. 18
8 a.m. - New Teacher Day
8 a.m. Schedule Pickup - Grades 7 & 8
10  p.m. Schedule Pickup - Grades 9 & 10
1 p.m.  Schedule Pickup - Grades 11 & 12

Wednesday, Aug. 19
In-Service Day for Staff

Tickets on sale for Music Boosters Sept. 11 chicken barbecue

Tickets are now on sale for the annual Ada Music Boosters chicken barbecue, always held behind the stadium, the evening of the first home high school football game of the year. 

This year the barbecue will be from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 11, before the Bulldogs host Lima Central Catholic.

The chicken barbecue is a major fund-raiser for the Ada Music Boosters. Proceeds benefit numerous projects for Ada’s instrumental and vocal music programs.

Tickets are being sold now through Sept. 3. Contact any band or choir member to purchase tickets, or call Dave Smittle at 419-230-8147 or Kelly MacDonald at 330-212-3215.

Several Ada connections in "Eat Fresh, Eat Local Hardin County" campaign

The Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance unveiled a new Farm-to-Table logo and marketing campaign to promote new agribusiness opportunities in Hardin County, as local farmers and growers are producing locally grown food for consumers. The event was Friday.

"Eat Fresh, Eat Local Hardin County" is the motto of the marketing campaign.

This announcement was tied together with the Alliance Membership Appreciation Day Luncheon, were members were treated to a barbecue lunch prepared by Chef David Wagner of the Plaza Inn Family Restaurant.
