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Ada's latest news

Your invitation to aqua Zumba on Saturday morning

Aqua Zumba is held every Saturday at the Ada pool from 12:05 to 12:40 p.m. Taught by certified aqua Zuma instructor Lynne Scott, the class is open to anyone. Those 12-17 must be accompanied by a parent. Thirteen people attended last week. Cost is $5 per class.

Getting ready for the games

Natalie Walton and 13 teens prepare for the Olympics at the Ada Public Library side yard last Thursday afternoon. The Olympic games were part of the summer reading club. Elementary-age kids had fun with Olympic-style games that morning. (Monty Siekerman photo)

It's on the library calendar June 24 to July 4

Upcoming events at the Ada Public Library include:
•  Friday, June 24
1 p.m. sidewalk chalk.
3 p.m. teen yoga, grades 6-12.
• Monday, June 27
11 a.m. make and take art, grades K-5.
3 p.m. waffles and art (working on an art project while eating waffles).
• Tuesday, June 28
11 a.m. Astronauts, Earth, and Getting to Space. Learn how to launch a rocket through the effervescent fizz of kitchen chemistry or an air compressor. Also, take a stroll through our celestial neighborhood and imagine the enormous size and vast distance of the planets and sun.

Ready for a catfish tournament? It's July 9 at Liberty Conservation Club

The Liberty Conservation Club will sponsor a catfish tournament from 6 p.m. until midnight on Saturday, July 9.

The tournament is open to members and non-members. The club is located at 1552 State Route 235, north of Ada. Call 419-234-5795 for more details.



Sliding into home plate

Summer in the park finds kids enjoying a slip and slide at Ada War Memorial Park. ReStore sponsors a free meal and activities from noon to 1 p.m. at the park all summer long. Everyone is welcome. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Grace Gospel block party Saturday

Grace Gospel Church will sponsor a block party with free food, games, prizes, music, and a bounce house from 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 25. The church is located at 323 N. Gilbert St., Ada. The public is invited
