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37 members attend Town and Country Creators 4-H meeting

The following Town and Country Creators members participated in trash pick up for the club’s community service project on April 16. From left, back, Carah Deardorff, Sarah Thomas, Mason Bloom, Brandon Feltner, Olivia Brown, Alex Haushalter. Front,  Riley Hunt, Lucy Whitmer and Jack Whitmer. 

By Carah Deardorff, News Reporter

The Town and Country Creators met for a Regular Meeting on Monday April 18, 2016 6 pm at St. Johns Evangelical Church in Kenton. All officers were present and the Club President, Devry Moore, presided over the meeting.

The American Pledge was led by Anna Longbrake and the 4H Pledge was led by Devry Moore. Roll Call was answering the question, “What is your favorite restaurant”? The meeting had 37 members present, 8 advisors and 2 guests for a total of 47 present.

Minutes from the April 4, 2016 meeting and were read and approved by Ty Hiller and the Treasurer’s Report was also given by Ty Hiller. The club heard a Health Report by Abby Hartshorn on harmful mosquitos.

There were no committee reports. Under Unfinished/Old Business, President Devry Moore led a discussion on t-shirt order forms and future community service ideas.

There was no New Business. Advisor Heather Erwin requested to see members who have not had their pictures taken. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Ethan Gilmore and seconded by Brooklyn Thacker.

Recreation was led by Lara Music and Lauren Manns. Refreshments were provided by Chairperson, Alex Haushalter, as well as Brooklyn Thacker, Brailyn Thacker, Chesney Moore and Mason Flint.

The next regular meeting is May 2, 2016 at 6pm.

