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Ada Food Pantry depends on increased community support to meet increased need

By Paula Scott

Usage at the Ada Food Pantry has grown significantly during the period of 2021-2023. This includes residents who pick up groceries and a weekend food program at Ada Elementary School. 

In 2022, expenses exceeded donations by almost $17,000. Board member Chris Bower notes, “Thankfully the Pantry had financial reserves that made it possible to continue our mission. This was somewhat deliberate as donations were generous during the pandemic and we shared with those in need. As usage has continued to remain strong, the Food Pantry is now reliant upon the generosity of the community to help it continue its mission.”

In a typical month, the food pantry serves an average of 150 individuals in 50 households. Over the course of the year, the Pantry serves over 125 different households at least once.

The Ada Food Pantry serves residents with an Ada address by providing a 2-3 day supply of food. Clients can pick up items from the Pantry once a month. At each visit clients present an Ohio driver’s license or equivalent photo ID, as well as a current utility bill or lease agreement with an Ada address.

The Pantry is open on Tuesdays from 4:00-6:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m.-noon. It is located in the basement of Ada First Presbyterian Church at 201 S Main St, with an entrance on the Lincoln Avenue side of the building. 

The Ada Food Pantry also provides weekend food to Ada Elementary students in grades K-5 through the Bulldog Blessings Backpack Program. This is the fifth year for this program. For the 2023-24 school year, bags for 75 students are distributed weekly. 

The cost of the program is $4.50/bag or approximately $12,000 for the school year with 75 students enrolled. Every week the bags include items such as breakfast bars, oatmeal, fruit cups, macaroni and cheese, canned vegetables and popcorn. The food provided is sufficient for several nutritious meals.

The Pantry’s governing Board is made up of representatives from Ada churches. Volunteers from the Ada community staff the Pantry, which is supported by donations of food and money from our community. The Pantry is a member of the West Ohio Food Bank.

Donations of money and nonperishable food can be dropped off during open hours. 

Checks made out to ‘Ada Food Pantry’ can be mailed to P.O. Box 237, Ada OH 45810.

In a typical month the Pantry distributes:

288 cans of vegetables
187 cans of soup
163 cans of beans
152 packs of Ramen soup
111 rolls of  toilet paper and paper towels
99 cans of fruit
98 boxes of pasta or rice
88 cans of pasta or stew
87 jars of tomato products
77 packages of frozen meat
76 cans of meat
76 boxes of mac & cheese
62 boxes of jello or pudding
62 loaves of bread
61 gallons of milk
61 boxed meals
61 boxes of cereal
61 boxes of baking supplies
51 dozen  eggs
50 jars of peanut butter
50 jars of jelly
50 boxes of potatoes
50 packages of cheese

When available the Pantry also distributes household cleaning and personal care products.
