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3rd confirmed case in Hardin County

The Kenton Hardin Health Department has been notified of a third confirmed case for COVID-19 in a Hardin County resident.

We have contacted the patient and the individuals exposed and they have been instructed to self-quarantine and monitor for symptoms. The health department will be in daily contact with these individuals for monitoring of temperatures and symptoms. No personal information about the case will be released to protect the privacy of the individual.

As Dr. Amy Acton, Director of the Ohio Department of Health continues to report, we know community spread has been occurring throughout Ohio, including our community.

Ada's U.S. Census response rate between 30 and 40%

Interaction census map show how responses are coming in

April 1 was Census Day in the United States. Here’s a map of the local responses so far to the census questionnaire.

As of April 7 the figures show that 46.9 percent of the Hardin County residents have responded. Of that percent, 33.5 percent have responded online.

And, according to the color coding, Ada has a response rate of between 30 and 40 percent.

We've barely scratched the surface

Four bears reported in Ada windows - please send us more addresses

The Ada Icon's bear hunt will post locations of the cuddly little guys perched in windows around town and in the countyside.

As of 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, viewers have reported addresses (and some photos) of four teddy bears. We plan to post the bears on a map for viewers to cruise town and discover these for themselves.

Continue to send your teddy bear locations to: [email protected].

As soon as we have at least one dozen bear locations we will post a map for viewers.

Home energy assistance applications now taken over the phone

Effective immediately, Ohioans enrolling in the Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP) for the first time, applying for Home Energy Assistance Winter Crisis Program, or have limited income, are no longer required to visit a local Energy Assistance Provider in order to complete an application. Appointments may be completed over the phone during the scheduled appointment time rather than face-to-face. 

Ada-Liberty EMS chief urges facial covers while in public

"These coverings do not replace social distancing"

Ada-Liberty Township EMS chief, Tom Miller, provided the Icon with the following guideline update on the COVID-19 virus. His message follows: 

As we continue to fight the spread of the COVID-19 Virus, I wanted to touch base with you again.

The original guidelines of what to do if you think you are experiencing symptoms, calling you primary care physician or the Ohio Department of Health hotline numbers as well as the joint number from Lima Memorial and St Rita's Mercy Health Systems are still the procedures to follow.

Going on an Ada bear hunt - send the Icon addresses of bears in windows

Send the Icon addresses where you've seen a bear in a window. If you can take photo of it, even better. Send to: [email protected].

It's a great distraction for bored children – or for bored people of any age.

'We're Going On A Bear Hunt" has hit Ada. The Icon is aware of several bears - even the polar bear type, that have popped up in town.

Certainly viewers are aware of other bears showing up around Ada.
