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Public Meetings

Recap of September 3 Ada Council meeting

By Paula Pyzik Scott

The September 3 regular meeting of the Ada Council covered a wide range of topics, including a new refuse contract with Rumpke, the hiring of new Clayton Eichman as Code Enforcement Officer, final plans for safety improvements on Buckeye Ave. and the need to address a derelict Village building on Pebble Ct.


Agenda and Zoom link for Sept. 3 Ada Council meeting

6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 3
Ada Municipal Building, 115 W. Buckeye Ave.

The Village of Ada has provided the following link for streaming the Tuesday, September 3 meeting of the Ada Council, which takes place on the second floor of the Ada Municipal Building, 115 W. Buckeye Ave.

Attend the meeting via Zoom using this link:

Water rates, zoning inspection part of open and closed door Council discussions

UPDATE: Michele Chambers has been hired as zoning inspector. The Village is still looking for a code enforcement officer.

By Paula Pyzik Scott

The August 20 meeting of the Village of Ada council had a brief agenda, but an executive session extended the meeting to over an hour and a half.

Summary of Ada School Board meeting for August 2024

By Paula Pyzik Scott

The August 15 meeting of the Ada School Board provided a glimpse of preparations for the Monday, August 19 start of the 2024-2025 school year.

New elementary school principal Angie Maag made her first report to the board, noting that a lot of new enrollments were received in recent weeks. 

Buildings and grounds supervisor Lance Dearth reported that final inspections were done for the varsity gym and preschool building, and that everything was ready for that night’s open house and the first day of classes.

Treasurer Kim Light reported that the FY 2025 Student Wellness and Success Plan for SWS Funds of $276,890.93 would be on the school website (posted HERE)

Ada EVSD Plan for SWS Funds:

Agenda for August 20 meeting of Ada Council

The Village of Ada council will hold a Reular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 20 in Council Chambers at 115 W. Buckeye.

The meeting agenda is provided HERE on the Village website. At the time of this article, the packet includes minutes from the prior council meeting, a claims register, and supporting documents for a water bill adjustment request.

This meeting will be streamed live with the following Zoom link:

Board of Education meeting at 5 p.m., August 15

To accomodate the Thursday evening open house for the entire district (from 6:30-8:00 p.m.), the School Board meeting for the Ada Exmpted Village Schools will start at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 15.

The meeting takes place in board chambers in the administrative wing. 

Board members are Ronald Fleming, President; Ted Griffith, Matt Gossman, Troy Erickson and Justin Hollon.
