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Regional news

Highway Patrol to host applicant testing in Ada

ADA – On November 7, the Ohio State Highway Patrol will host regional testing for prospective applicants on the campus of Ohio Northern University at the King-Horn  Convocation Physical Education Center, located at 609 W. Lincoln Ave. in Ada.  

Those interested in employment with the Patrol can come to the King-Horn Convocation Physical Education Center at 9 a.m., where they will have the ability to talk with  troopers about a career of service in our communities and on Ohio roadways. 

WORPO seeks feedback on rural Long Range Transportation Plan

The West Central Ohio Rural Planning Organization is releasing its DRAFT 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan for public comment HERE. A link to the Long Range Transportation Plan, as well as a survey, will be available for review beginning October 23 - November 13. 

Deadline nears for JAMPD photo contest

Deadline: October 27

This is the final week to enter the Johnny Appleseed Metro Park District Nature Photography Contest.

Organizers suggest, "There’s still time to capture the stunning beauty of Allen County and showcase your photography skills. Don’t miss out on your chance to be featured and win amazing cash prizes!"


Categories: Flora, Fauna, Landscape, Parks Potpourri

Cash awards for Best of Show, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place

Submit at

October is National Pedestrian Safety Month

COLUMBUS – As we lose more and more daylight, October is the top month for fatal pedestrian crashes in Ohio.

Test soil in the fall for a healthy yard

By Casey Heilman
Allen Soil and Water Conservation District

The cooler weather has arrived and many homeowners around the county are raking up leaves, cutting back perennials, and just generally prepping yards, and gardens for the long winter ahead. But what few people realize is that  caring for the soil should be a part of the autumn yard routine. 

October 2024 Community Foundation report

By Tim Thomas

The Hardin County Community Foundation received a strong financial report at its quarterly meeting Tuesday in Kenton.

Trustees learned that the total portfolio has climbed to $13,238,180, which is up 16.72% year to date.

Also at the meeting, the board approved a series of policies. Those include records retention, whistleblower, conflict of interest and computer, device and internet usage policy.
