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Amy Fanous tells Kiwanis members about the Health Wire program at ONU

President Myrna McCurdy called the sixth meeting (November 6th) of the 2012–2013 Kiwanis Year to order at 12:02 noon at McIntosh Center, ONU.

The following guests were introduced: Amy Fanous Pharmacy Resident ONU Health Wise (speaker); Katie Lorson and Allie Puntel, ONU Circle K.

Member Accomplishments: Joe Ferguson reported that books had been purchased for Head Start children as part for the annual Christmas Luncheon/Auction. They will need to be taken to Head Start in McGuffey. Bob McCurdy was also thanked for his excellent presentation at last night’s Town and Gown Banquet. Jim Turner was named 2012 Distinguished Citizen of the Year.

In business:
-Members heard an updated financial report from Treasurer Bryan Marshall.

-Brian Myers asked it the club has adopted the new By-Laws as enacted by Kiwanis International. President McCurdy said that she will investigate further.

-President McCurdy reported that still need help for the Bloodmobile visit on November 12th.The1:30-3:30 time slot needs to be filled. Member reminder: Don’t forget what you signed up to bring for visit.

-Peter Previte reported that the Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Nov 15 at the VFW. He indicated that supplies will be purchased. Members were reminded of their work assignments.

-Highlights from last week’s Division 2 meeting included the following:
(1) Members were urged to come up with a new project, it was suggested that we have something as a service project at least four times a year.
(2) The club was encouraged to let people know about what is expected from them before
they become members.
(3) The need for new member.
(4) The club was urged to begin a satellite club. (5)The next Division meeting will be held January 23, 2013 at Milano Café in Lima. 

-Circle K Members Allie Puntel and Katie Lorson reported the following: Shoe boxes are needed for Operation Christmas Child; the club assisted with the Ada Food Pantry; attended Circle K Fall Rally where they met other members and received great ideas; donated $60.00 to the Eliminate Project; and the Tootsie Pop project was successful. They also requested financial assistance in mailing shoe boxes. The club agreed to support that request.

-Kiwanis Education Minute: Object Two:  To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.

-Something to consider: from “Live and Learn and Pass It On,” from someone aged 33.  “I’ve learned that I don’t make many mistakes with my mouth shut.”

-Upcoming meetings/Events:
-11/12 Pete Previte and program committees
-11/12 Red Cross Blood Mobile-11/15 Spaghetti Dinner
-11/20 Al Bailis-11/27 Claudia Crawford

Amy Fanous spoke on the Health Wire program at ONU.
The programs partners with ONU in health and wellness.
ONU Health Wise provides enrollees access to knowledge about their health, which empowers them to make better choices.

Benefits include: one-on-one coaching with health care professionals; improved knowledge about health and wellness and disease state and medication management.
The on-campus clinic will provide support and education to help improve the health and wellness of community members.

Preventive medicine includes the following: identify individualized preventive medicine strategies; participate in recommended screenings that are commonly overlooked; receive education on preventive topics relating to your health;
understand the impact of smoking on your health and the benefits of tobacco cessation; understand how factors in your life effect your ability to stop smoking; explore drug options available to help you successfully quit; set goals and determine factors that will encourage success; management of cholesterol, diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure; understand how your condition impacts and affect your health play an active role by checking your blood pressure; learn to take medications regularly and the role of each medication
and understand the impact of physical activity and good food choices.

For enrollment interest or questions, contact Dr. Michael Rush, PharmD, CDE, Director, ONU Health Wise, 419-772-3933 or at [email protected].

President McCurdy adjourned the meeting at 12:32 p.m.

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets weekly at 12:00 noon on Tuesdays at McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.

Visit the club’s web site at:


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