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Tuesday CECD workshop: Going Beyond Customer Service

The Community Economic Development Center (CEDC) at Ohio Northern University continues its entrepreneurship workshop series in the Dicke Forum on Tuesday, March 26. The workshop will be preceded by a networking event at 5:30 p.m. The workshop will follow the networking event and conclude at 7 p.m.

The topic of the workshop will be “The Norm Factor: Going Beyond Customer Service 101” with Marc Woodward. This event is free and open to the public.

Woodward has always had a passion for people, a thirst for business and a commitment to the community. Over the years, Woodward has been heavily involved with the Bellevue Senior High School Alumni Association, and he was a founding member of the Bellevue High School Halls of Excellence.

As a trustee on the school’s levy committee, he helped gain support for the building of a new community elementary and middle school, which opened in August 2012.

Woodward is a member of Grace Community Church, is an avid golfer, hunter and writer, and conducts a personal outreach ministry at, whereby his family makes and distributes handmade crosses to those in need or serving our country abroad.

Woodard is a 1988 graduate of ONU, where he received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a dual major in management and marketing. While at Ohio Northern, he received a varsity letter in cross country, was a member of Phi Kappa Theta and was best known by his classmates as “Woody.”

Woodward spent his college summers in Lakeside, Ohio, where he served as the accommodations manger for the Hotel Lakeside and Fountain Inn. This experience gave him a true test in mastering the art of customer service excellence.
