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Ada Icon total views up over 13% in first quarter of 2017

In the first four months of 2017 Ada Icon total views increased by over 13 percent, according to statistics from Google Analytics.

Here are those stats with 2017 totals first and 2016 totals second.

Total viewers
41,423 vs. 36,571
13.27 % increase

Total individual viewers
18,202 vs. 17,390
4.67 % increase

Page views
85,956 pages vs. 66,580 pages
29.10 % increase

Average pages viewed per visit
2.08 pages vs. 1.82 pages
13.98 % increase

Average time spent on Icon by viewers
1:30 vs. 1:15
20.53 % increase

Facebook followers:
April 30 1,795
Jan. 1 1,713

In the recent 30-day period the Ada Icon was viewed by 4,646 individuals and experienced 9,358 total views. That means that most of the viewers visited the Icon on an average of two times per day.
