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Meet Ada's newest distinguished citizen

Bryan Marshall active in countless community organizations

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
Bryan Marshall, Executive Vice President and CFO of Liberty National Bank, was named 2018 Ada Distinguished Citizen of the Year on Tuesday evening during a dinner attended by 180 people in McIntosh Center ballroom.

“Bryan has contributed to the betterment of this community through many local organization events and countless effort,” said Deb Curlis in announcing the recipient of this year’s award. She is director of the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce and president of the Town and Gown Planning Committee. She noted that Bryan, an ONU graduate, has served as:
* Kiwanis Club treasurer for many years.
* ONU Business College advisory board
* Ada CIC board
* Hardin Chamber of Commerce board
* Ada Music Boosters
* Ada Schools levy campaigns
* Ada Park tennis court improvement committee
* Ada United Methodist Church
She said, “This list of accomplishments only touches on some of the things that Bryan has done for the community.”

The Town and Gown Association was organized in 1957 to promote harmony and goodwill between the townspeople and the university. Sponsoring organizations are the Ada CIC, Ada Ministerial Association, Chamber of Commerce, Junior Civic League, Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, Ohio Northern University, Rotary Club, Twice Ten Arts Club, and Village of Ada.

Mayor David Retterer gave greetings from the town. ONU President Dan DiBiasio gave greetings from the gown. Schools Superintendent Meri Skilliter introduced the Ada Varsity Singers who entertained following dinner. Former Citizens of the Year, who were in attendance, were recognized.

Ann Donnelly Hamilton, vice president president of Town and Gown, introduced the new members of the community who were guests at the dinner. They included new business owners and new faculty and staff at Ohio Northern University and Ada Schools.

A video of photographs provided by the Ada Icon and ONU was shown during the evening. The video showed the many advances being made in the community and at the university as well as the cooperation of the town and gown in many of the village’s activities throughout the year.
