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Ada's latest news

Big day for Varsity Singers

Ada High School Varsity Singers won first runner-up in the small school division at this past weekend's Findlay Fest Show Choir Competition. Ada was the first group to perform at the competition. In addition to the first-runner up, Jacob Parks received The Best Individual Performer Award.

Here's what is for lunch at school this month

The Ada school cafeteria menu for February is now on the Icon.

Click the link below to view the menu

Ada police hiring

The Ada Police Department is accepting applications for the position of a 30-hour, part-time police officer. 

Those interested may send a resume to 115 W. Buckeye or pick up an application at the police department Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. 

The village is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

ONU students rate high in learning

ADA -- According to The College Student Report 2016, Ohio Northern University students continue to pursue high-impact learning opportunities at a higher rate than most college students. The report, produced by National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), details responses from more than 300,000 first-year and senior students attending 512 U.S. universities. The survey was conducted in spring 2016.

ONU continues to outpace similar universities while besting national averages by 20 points or more in several relevant areas.

Very vocal Bulldog fans from 10 season ago

If you think Ada High School cheering sections are loud today, you should take a close look at this photo from the 2006-07 Ada High School yearbook.

Are you in this photo? Tell us at: [email protected]

Virginia 45817

45817 is the zip code for Bluffton, Ohio, yet we discovered it on a Virginia license plate. It's a plate of Charles Hilty, former Bluffton resident who lives in Reston, Virginia.
