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The colors around us

Coloring club at work in the public library

• Interested in joining the Ada Public Library coloring club? The next meeting is 3:30 p.m., Friday, Jan. 18, at the library.

The club meeting was pretty quiet. You might say, quiet as in “stress-relieving quiet.”

Yet, there were animals, enchanted forests, secret gardens and kaleidoscope designs radiating from the artists’ palettes.

Three members of informal adult coloring club at the Ada Public Library sat around a table keenly focused on their work on Friday afternoon.

The Icon stopped by to see the artists in action. They are devoted to their craft and artistic focus.  Roy G. Biv was strewn out across the table in sharply sharpened colored pencils and neon ink pens.

On Friday Barbara Cline, Debbie Engelhardt and Donna Engelhardt worked on their art. Here are some views of their work in progress.