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ONU professor creates video addressing COVID-19 virus

Ross Kauffman, epidemiologist and public health professor, and Tobias S. Buckell, create video explaining how Covid is different from a flu

Video is at the bottom
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Why are medical experts extremely worried about the COVID-19 virus?

A video, now on the Icon, created by an Ohio Northern University professor helps answer that question.

Click here and a calculator will open, asking for your zip code. The calculator will provide you with your specific hometown information. 

Created by Ross Kauffman, an epidemiologist and public health professor at Ohio Northern University, and Tobias S. Buckell of Bluffton, the video explains how Covid is different from a flu, and why medical experts are extremely worried.

This video was created after modeling information given by the Governor of Ohio that Covid could affect 40-70% of the population. 

“This video helps explain why hospitals are overrun and how that came to happen in Italy, and how that could happen here if we do not take this virus very seriously,” Buckell told the Icon. 

“And it also explains why it seems so much drastic action is being taken by Ohio’s governor and head of health,” he added.

The video is titled “Small Town COVID-19 Fatality Modeling.”

Significant to the video is a community calculator drawn from observations of the disease in China.


Small Town COVID 19 Fatality Modeling Video
