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Ada students: time to update FinalForms for 2020-21

Now available on the school website

Ada schools announces that the program "FinalForms" has taken the place of the traditional paper forms that the school used in past years. This announcement is on today's Ada school website.

The window for the new school year is open now. The school asks persons to take time to update, verify and sign your forms. All forms should be signed prior to the start of the school year. The first day of school is Monday, Aug. 24. 

The announcement follows:

FinalForms has taken the place of the traditional paper forms that the school has used in the past. Each year students are required to review and verify that student information is current and sign each form.

All student forms should be completed prior to the start of the school year. Students should then update forms throughout the year if something were to change.

Students may log in to FinalForms by  visiting FinalForms or clicking here.  there are separate logins for parents, students and staff.

Persons who have forgotten  passwords should click the “Forgot Your Password?” link. This will provide you with directions for resetting the password.

No one in the district can reset your password. The only person that can reset a password is the owner of the account. 


