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4.07 inches of rain fell in Liberty Township in May

Liberty Township experienced 4.07 inches of rain, and reached 5.62 inches since the growing season started on April 15, according to Mark Badertscher of the Hardin County extension office.

For the period of May 1-May 31, extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 4.08 inches of rain in Hardin County.  Last year, the average rainfall for the same time was 4.73 inches.  Rainfall for May was 0.33 inches less than the 10-year average rainfall for the month.

Jackson Township received 5.00 inches of rain for May, the highest amount of the township sites.  

Blanchard Township had the lowest rainfall amount for the month of May with 3.05 inches.  

For the growing season since April 15, the average precipitation in the townships was 5.18 inches compared to 6.27 inches in 2020. 

For this growing season, Randy Preston reported a total of 6.16 inches in Washington Township, while Travis Ramsey reported a total of 4.18 inches in Hale Township.

The month of May brought rain and cool temperatures, along with some frost for farmers in Hardin County.  This weather kept soils wet and put a halt on field activity that started in late April. 

Corn and soybeans that were planted earlier had ponding in some fields, causing the need for replanting in areas.  Other fields needed to be planted for the first time that were too wet for planting until later in May.  Planting activity resumed eventually, along with fertilizer and herbicide applications.

Good weather has allowed for a first cutting of forages for some that were caught up with planting.

Corn and soybeans were slow to start growing because of cool temperatures but now are making rapid progress with timely rains and warm temperatures.  Nitrogen is being applied to corn and post-emergence application of pesticides is taking place in fields throughout the county. 

Corn is rated 76% good to excellent across Ohio with 95% of the crop planted.

­­­Soybeans are rated 71% good to excellent across the state with 89% of the crop planted. Wheat has started to turn with 76% rated good to excellent.
